You only need one.

Introducing Yono, the last Discord bot you'll ever need.
We don't make blind claims. Scroll down for more.

Get started

Yono does everything you need.
And everything you didn't know you needed.

Here's a list:

Welcoming your members

Yono says hi. Literally. Welcome your members, give them roles automatically, and set that up all with a single command. No more config chaos.

Helping keep things safe

Yono is your moderation team's trusty sidekick to ban, kick, and apply other actions onto users that aren't following the rules.

Providing quick docs

No more messy webpages or the dreaded button chain. Yono's built-in help docs are simple, so you can make the most out of them.

Worried about safety? Don't be.

Privacy isn't just a feature.
It's how Yono works.

Yono will never snoop at your chats or sell your data.
Because that's just creepy.

You're running out of excuses not to use Yono.

Invite Yono today, and finally clear out your incoherent mess of a bot collection.

Get started

Legal jibber jabber:
© Yono, a CloudExis LLC company. All rights reserved.
Reg. number: 1256276800029
We are NOT directly affiliated with Discord.